divendres, 28 de març del 2008

tuff what comes around... goes around

1. Ruck a Pitt Bridge
2. The All New Generation
3. I Hate Kissing You Good-Bye
4. Lonely Lucy
5. Ain't Worth a Dime
6. So Many Seasons
7. Forever Yours
8. Wake Me Up
9. Spit Like This
10. Good Guys Wear Black


dissabte, 15 de març del 2008

The Darkness permission to land

1. Black Shuck
2. Get Your Hands Off My Woman
3. Growing on Me
4. I Believe in a Thing Called Love
5. Love Is Only a Feeling
6. Givin' Up
7. Stuck in a Rut
8. Friday Night
9. Love on the Rocks With No Ice
10. Holding My Own


dimarts, 11 de març del 2008

gypsy pistoleros wild beautiful damned

Track List:01. The Crazy Loco Loquito
2. Un Hombre Sin Rostro, Pistolero
3. Forever Is Para Siempre
4. What's It Like To Be A Girl In The House Of 1000 Dolls?
5. Una Para Todo Es Bandido!
6. Senor Mangi Acqui
7. Moonchild
8. Switchblade Kiss Comes Close
9. Jet, Jet, Jet Boyz
10. Shotgun Kiss Is Ay Que Dolor
11. 1-2-3-4 Kiss Me Then I'm Damned For Sur


divendres, 7 de març del 2008

peppermint creeps cover up

1.- Malibu beach nightmare
2.- Planet earth
3.- Walk
4.- Bastard
5.- Talk to me
6.- Cherish
7.- Bodies
8.- From despair to where
9.- Our lips are sealed
10.-She loves you
11.- Danger
12.-Rock n' roll love letter
13.-If you don't start drinkin'


dimecres, 5 de març del 2008

Wratchild Stakk Attakk

1. Stakk Attakk
2. Too Wild to Tame
3. Trash Queen
4. Shokker
5. Kick Down the Walls
6. Alrite With the Boyz
7. Sweet Surrender
8. Law Abuzer
9. Tonight
10. Wreckless


dilluns, 3 de març del 2008

heart throb mob hit list

1. Psycho
2. Attitude
3. Rumor
4. Chance
5. You
6. Senior Prom
7. You Bitch
8. Freaked Out
9. Johnny’s Got A Girlfriend
10. Groupie Girl
11. Good Times
12. Angel

Lonny Lovett lead vocals
Bobby Vanden lead guitar
Dev Estate bass
Tracy Michaels percussion, drums


diumenge, 2 de març del 2008

Heart Throb Mob eat your heart out

1. Eat Your Heart Out
2. Credit Card Junky
3. Liar
4. Good Luck Girl
5. P.U.S.S.Y.
6. One Shot
7. Doctor
8. Radio Song
9. Get Away
10. Deja-Vu
11. Sick Ta Death
12. Only When You're On Top
